Your first step towards a non-chemical termite barrier. 


Termistops uses construction science along with construction grade materials to create an effective, long-term, termite solution. Installed during construction at the utility penetrations, Termistop makes the perfect start to any termite pre-treatment.

A close-up photo of termites on a mesh screen

Termistop Non-Chemical Termite Barrier Explained By Matt Risinger

Termimesh 101: in this video from the Build Show YouTube Channel, Matt Risinger and our own Joel Roehling discuss the practical benefits of Termimesh and even show a before and after Termistop installation.

This is one of the best videos out there for understanding the technology behind Termistops and why it’s better than pouring 200 gallons of pesticide in the soil beneath your home.

You can check out our full line of Termistop products in the online store.

Termistops in Action: Sustainably-Built Multifamily Project

Material Comparison -  465 Termistops plus 67 Termimesh Blockouts replaced the 5,893 gallons of termiticide that would have been applied to the soil.

The Rhett is an apartment community currently under construction in Austin, TX. When completed, the project will consist of 215 units and achieve a minimum 1-star Austin Energy Green Building rating and will endeavor to achieve a higher rating.