Termistop Featured in Green Builder Magazine

Termistop's Termite Control System was featured in the November - December 2024 edition of Green Builder Magazine. The publication highlighted Termistop's role as a green building component in the VISION House Austin project. The article noted Termistop's ability to prevent termite infestation at the foundation level of a home while eliminating the use of harmful chemicals. This green building solution ensures sustainability and longevity and helps maintain superior indoor air quality throughout the home's life.

Termistop’s sustainable termite barrier is an essential component of Green Building’s VISION House Austin.

Sustainable Termistop Solutions for Enhanced Indoor Air Quality

Green Builder Magazine noted that Termistop's termite control system is critical in creating healthier, more environmentally sustainable homes. The article noted that termite infestations can cause significant damage to a home's structure and compromise indoor air quality, as insect waste is a major contributor to indoor pollutants. By incorporating non-toxic pest control methods early in the building process, builders can reduce their reliance on chemical treatments and increase the home's overall sustainability.

An Insight into VISION House Austin

The VISION House Austin project is a model for high-performance, sustainable building practices in the challenging Texas climate. Designed by Barley|Pfeiffer Architecture and built by White Elephant General Contractors, the home incorporates passive design principles, energy efficiency, and advanced building materials to create a resilient, eco-friendly home.

Key Features of the VISION House Austin Project:

  • Passive Design & Climate Adaptation: The structure is oriented to maximize natural ventilation, shading, and thermal efficiency.

  • Advanced Building Envelope: The home incorporates Henry Company’s Blueskin weather barrier insulation to enhance durability and moisture resistance.

  • Non-Toxic Pest Prevention: The Termimesh Termite Control System is included to provide a sustainable and long-lasting solution for builders who want to eliminate subterranean termite threats, improve indoor air quality, and reduce reliance on pesticides.

  • Energy Efficiency & Electrification: The home features GE’s smart home appliances and Savant’s energy management system, which includes solar panels and battery backup for improved energy resilience.

  • Durable, Sustainable Materials: The home features a Fabral metal roof for superior heat reflection and durability, James Hardie fiber cement siding for lasting strength and fire resistance, and Andersen 100 series windows for optimal energy efficiency.

  • Smart Home Integration: The home includes a sophisticated monitoring system that enables homeowners to track and optimize energy consumption, even during power outages.

  • Healthy Indoor Environment: The project incorporates low-maintenance, toxin-free materials and effective ventilation strategies to enhance air quality.

The VISION House Austin project showcases a forward-thinking approach to sustainable residential construction. It demonstrates how builders can seamlessly integrate advanced technology, resilient materials, and thoughtful design to create homes that are not only energy-efficient but also comfortable and future-ready.

Termites and Foam Insulation: A Serious Problem That’s Likely to Get Worse

Let’s talk about a four-letter word that begins with “F”…..Foam!

My builder, architect, and designer friends and I must have a serious conversation. As your industries strive to build more eco-friendly and energy-efficient homes, many look for foam insulation as one solution. Building trends, like Passive Houses and Insulated Crawl Spaces, use foam insulation in critical areas to improve energy efficiency.  

There is just one problem with this. Humans are not the only living organisms that recognize the advantages of foam in our daily lives. Termites and rodents can also be included in that list of organisms, where the problems start. Today, we will talk about how termites invade foam insulation and the problems this creates if we do not address the issue at the construction stage.

The Problem

Termites are estimated to cause $5 billion in damages to buildings every year. Over 15 years ago, the ICF Association recognized this problem with the following statement: “Termites pose a particularly difficult problem, [as] buildings should be insulated for energy savings, yet termites can infiltrate through any insulation and penetrate all but the strongest materials.”  

Let me be clear: termites do not eat foam. Using their chewing mouthparts, they tunnel through foam for insulation, saving time and resources within their colonies. By tunneling through the foam extensively, termites find pathways to bypass typical liquid soil treatments and wood frame treatments, rendering them ineffective. So, if we use foam extensively to insulate our buildings, we need to be aware of the locations, risks and challenges termites pose.

Photo of 3-year-old slab on grade home with spray foam insulation Formosan termite damage that had been “treated” with a borate based product.

US Regional Subterranean Termite Activity

Termites are found in almost every area of the United States. However, they are more prevalent in certain areas, and most of the damage termites cause comes from subterranean termites. We can reference the U.S. Subterranean Termite Distribution map to see where the termite threat is greatest.  

Noting that the states in “Red” typically have Formosan termite populations raises the threat tremendously when using foam due to the Formosan colony sizes and foraging aggressiveness.

US Subterranean Termite Distribution Map

Termite Risk By Foam Type

It is not one particular type of foam that is at risk. All foam that termites can access is at risk.  To name a few areas at risk:

  • Armorflex foam wrapped around utility pipe penetrations through the slab.

  • Spray foam insulation (crawlspace, slab on grade walls, attics, everywhere it’s applied)

  • Rigid foam boards that are used to insulate crawl space or slabs.

Closed Cell foam, Open Cell, EPS, it does not matter.  All foam not impregnated with a pesticide is vulnerable to termite attack.  This is why it is so important to choose your termite protection wisely.

Photo of Rigid Foam Board with termite tunnels

Foam-Related Termite Protection Options

You have options for protecting against termites, but you need to choose wisely. Most termiticide-based applications will only be effective for 5-7 years before they break down and become ineffective, and none of the termiticides on the market will penetrate the foam to provide any protection. 

The other important issue to know is that the foam often provides a path for termites to bypass any termiticide application.  It will never be effective if the termites do not get into the termiticide.

On the other hand, physical barriers are protected by cutting off the hidden pathways termites use and making them visible so they can be addressed at a lower cost and more effectively.  A barrier product like Termimesh has over 150 profiles to address different construction details (ie. Utility penetrations wrapped with Armorflex foam, insulated slab, brick lug below final soil grade, insulated crawl spaces). 

The other advantage of using a physical barrier product is that it is constructed using construction-grade materials and, when installed properly, should provide long-lasting termite protection for your build.

One last reminder for your termite options.  Choose a product approved by the ICC that meets the Building Code Standard and has an EPA Establishment Number as a termite device.  Not all products are equal, and not all products marketed have tested to the pest control industry standards of a minimum of 5 years of efficacy.

Stay Tuned 

Our next few blog posts will examine a Passive House with an insulated slab and another case study on a spray foam-insulated crawl space. Both builds were in known Formosan termite areas. We hope you will join us in these as well. See you on the job site.