Lesson 4: Triple Folding a Termistop When You Can’t Install It Over the Top

This lesson shows how to properly install a Termistop flange using the triple-fold method when you can’t install it over the top of the pipe. Watch the video to learn the process, then follow the step-by-step instructions to review the key points.


Expose the pipes where we’ll install the Termistops.

STEP 1: Prepare the pipe by removing the tape and other material from the area where the Termistop will be installed.

Remove the clamp so you can cut the Termimesh.

STEP 2: Take your Termistop and unfold the mesh edges that extend over the clamp.  Find a “V” that allows you to cut the mesh with the grain.  Using multipurpose scissors, cut a straight line from the “V” to the edge of the Termistop. 

Start the triple fold with your needle-nosed pliers.

STEP 3: Position the Termistop around the pipe and join the edges at the area of your cut (bottom to bottom). Use needle-nosed pliers to secure the mesh edges and roll the pliers to start the folding process at the corner furthest from you.  Fold the edges at the corner nearest you and crimp them with the needle-nosed pliers.  Start the second fold and crimp the edge again.  Fold slightly and bring the folded area level with the Termistop mesh, then crimp the fold and the Termistop mesh together. Your Termistop is now ready to install the clamp.

Place the open clamp around pipe and mesh.

STEP 4: Start by having the clamp all the way open. Place the clamp around the pipe and mesh as shown while feeding the band back into the clamp. With a hand drill, partially tighten the clamp and ensure all the interior edges of the Termistop are above the clamp. 

STEP 5: After ensuring the mesh edges are above the clamp, fold the interior edges back down over the clamp. Position the Termistop at the correct mid-slab depth and then fully tighten the clamp to its final position.

STEP 6: Replace all pipe tape and covering and install Termitape to mark the pipe as complete.

Congratulations! Your triple folded Termistop is properly installed.